تطبيق English Now الصف الخامس الابتدائي (27/12)
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سؤال 1 of 7
1. سؤال
السؤال الاول :-
(choose the correct answer from (a، b or d
. some friend rice …….
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سؤال 2 of 7
2. سؤال
……..Sally didn’t win the
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سؤال 3 of 7
3. سؤال
Ramy ……… the laundry
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سؤال 4 of 7
4. سؤال
?What ……. you eating
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سؤال 5 of 7
5. سؤال
.Are you okay? I ……….. so
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سؤال 6 of 7
6. سؤال
.I’m ……. toride the bus
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سؤال 7 of 7
7. سؤال
السؤال الثانى :-
-:Fill in the gaps using the words in the box
(ate – cooked – bought – fish – dish )
My mother has a fish . Father likes fish.Mother puts the fish on a the dish is full of crabs . she lunch for Father . Father bread. He fish and crabs. Mother brought as poon to have rice . fish was mother’s favourite .
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